Wednesday, November 02, 2005

"Good Night and Good Luck": Discount tickets to a conspiracy-related film

Here's a message from our History Department academic advisor about a film that will be playing at the Missouri Theatre downtown next week (and at Ragtag Cinemacafé on 10th St. throughout the month -- check their schedule.) The movie, Good Night and Good Luck, concerns CBS News's role in the downfall of Communist witch-hunter Joe McCarthy and, as such, is extremely relevant to this course. Go see it if you can and post your comments here.

The movie “Good Night & Good Luck” will be showing at the Missouri Theatre on November 10, 11 & 16th. This is the movie about Edward R. Murrow’s showdown with Senator Joe McCarthy. Tickets are $7.00 for the public, however Ragtag is going to offer a discount to history majors, their tickets will be $5.00 and only good for certain shows.

If you would like to announce this in your classes, especially American history classes, that would be great, just be sure and emphasis that the students have to be history majors, undergrad or graduate, to take advantage of the discounted tickets. Students that want tickets need to come to 103 Read Hall to pick them up.

Thank you,


Jenny Morton, M.Ed.

Senior Academic Advisor

Department of History